
What is DRIP Investing - Dividend Reinvestment Plan

What is DRIP Investing? Why I’ll Never Spend My Dividend

Investing is all about buying and accumulating assets, and then watching them grow over time. One type of asset is a dividend-paying stock. But what do you do with a dividend? I heard this term (I thought they were referencing coffee) called DRIP Investing and quickly asked, “What is DRIP Investing?” Most people ignore dividends…at

dividends payments from earnings

Dividend Payout Ratio — How to Analyze and Interpret Dividends Like a Pro!

The Dividend Payout Ratio is the relationship between the size of the dividend payment and the earnings of a company. Expressed as a percentage, a higher percentage means more of its earnings is going towards paying a dividend to shareholders. If the Dividend Payout Ratio is too high, then that leaves little left over for companies to reinvest back into the business. The Sustainability or “Health” of a dividend can be interpreted by the Dividend Payout Ratio.